Java Serial Port Example

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Active7 years, 10 months ago

Is there a little example of how to write and read a serial port in Java with Windows?

Port - The Serial port to use dataBits - The number of data bits per transfer. Valid values are between 5 and 8 bits. Parity - Select the type of parity checking to use. StopBits - The number of stop bits to use as defined by the enum StopBits. SerialPort public SerialPort (int baudRate, SerialPort.Port port, int dataBits, SerialPort.Parity parity). Open a serial port using Java Communications. case CommPortIdentifier.PORTSERIAL: thePort ='DarwinSys DataComm', TIMEOUTSECONDS. 1000); SerialPort myPort = (SerialPort. Related examples in the same category. Querying Available COM Ports: 2. Printing a File: 3.

Peter Mortensen
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closed as not constructive by Matthew Farwell, Sai Kalyan Kumar Akshinthala, Nasreddine, Andrew Barber, BalusCNov 17 '11 at 23:26

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3 Answers

Java Open A Serial Port

You have to import javax.comm.SerialPort for this purpose to do, refer to Read from a Serial port to know more information.

Sai Kalyan Kumar AkshinthalaSai Kalyan Kumar Akshinthala
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Java Serial Port Programming Example


Java Serial Port Gui Example

7,9932 gold badges27 silver badges32 bronze badges

I used RXTX library.

Example code can be found here:

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Java Com Port Example

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