Azie Faison My True Sense

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In 1984 at the beginning of “The Crack Epidemic” we were told that we had to “Just Say No To Drugs.”

Azie Faison Jr. (born November 11, 1964), sometimes known by the nickname 'Ace', was an American drug dealer and businessman who attained notoriety during the War on Drugs era as an individual drug dealer in New York. His five-year reign as crime boss ended when he was 26. A cautionary tale about the life of former kingpin Azie Faison, who has become the fabric of street legend Faison was a ninth grade dropout who earned more than $100,000 a week selling cocaine in Harlem, New York, during the peak of America's 'War on Drugs' between 1983 and 1990. Posts about Azie Faison written by messymandella. Battery (electricity), Be a true friend to someone. Azie Fiason just wanted to put Harlem on his back and show.

Who the hell said, “Yes!” it wasn’t the community,so who created the game?

I am not aware of any hustler in the hood that has his own jet to fly crack through the friendly skies.

Azie Faison Paid In Full

Can Tyrone standing on the corner crank up his jet,fly over and bring back product or powder to flood the streets?

Does Latorya have a compass and a Passport to Nicaragua?

You know the answer to both of those questions.

If it is damn near impossible for us to flood the country and we would laughed if someone asked, don’t you think it was a fairytale back then to make all that money?

Don’t you think we were set up in 1984, when the fantasy became a financial and ethical nightmare?

We were systematically drugged and controlled by the Crack Epidemic and the families our still struggling from it.

If daddy is doing a bid, and mom has to raise 3 little girls and a son or older brother wants to be “the man of the house” that sparks the flame…

If you create those prison boxes and caskets to put men in, that community loses a builder, teacher, and protection.

Azie Faison My True Sense Of Life

It is that simple to chip away at the family structure.

You can tell when a crack head became addicted.

Look at the way they are dressed.

Most crack addicts dress in the era that they were sober.

It is a dead give away that they were cracked out in the 1980’s, if they have a side pony tail , patent leather shoes and a hot pink Wind Breaker Jacket.

The drug epidemic broke us completely down, and even if everyone stopped slinging crack now the damage has caused prisons to be flooded, and caskets to be lowered.

Dreams were deterred and the families lost daddy, and the family structure to the game.

Now, we can attempt to bring our communities back, but the force and the poison tested on us will not go away, and once again it was not administered by us,but we suffer.

Who wanted to ruin our society?

In 1984 Government officials could not segregate us legally.

They used the crack epidemic to segregate us chemically and mentally,and their mission was a success.

San Jose Mercury News journalist Gary Webb sparked national controversy with his 1996 Dark Alliance series which alleged that the influx of Nicaraguan cocaine started and significantly fueled the 1980s crack epidemic. Investigating the lives and connections of Los Angeles crack dealers Ricky Ross, Oscar Danilo Blandon, and Norwin Meneses, Webb alleged that profits from these crack sales were funneled to the CIA-supported Contras.[8] Although Webb never claimed that the CIA directly aided drug dealers, it echoed the Kerry Committee conclusion that the CIA was aware of large shipments of cocaine into the U.S. by Contra personnel.[8]-Wikipedia

Gary Webb is not lying to you.

We did not have the capacity and the financial backing to flood the streets, but the friendly skies were open to those who could afford it, and no one would think to check our Central Intelligence…

The men who possessed our Central Intelligence used cracked up pieces of soap to control our minds and spirits.

The government and used our community and livelihood to destroy our dignity and culture.

We have Crack Addicted babies that become hustlers and sell it to the new breed of addicts.

No one in America hates their own, we were controlled, abandoned in a jungle full of addiction and ghost of former ancestors, that now have disease, poverty, and violence.
We let others steal our royalty and confused money with loyalty.” ***messymandella*** We still will if we don’t wake up…

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Azie Faison My True Sense

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