Download List Of Urls

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Create a list of all the OneDrive URLs in your organization using Microsoft PowerShell. The list you create in these steps will be saved to a text file. Download the latest SharePoint Online Management Shell. Looking for a URL downloader? Here it is, right on the main page! Need a browser addon? Here are the ones for Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. The app’s primary purpose is to download from YouTube. The list of formats includes both video and audio (MP3, M4A, AAC, MP4, 3GP, AVI, etc). Italy free iptv live m3u streams Daily Italy iptv m3u channels updated and tested m3u iptv url links. Check the Italy new iptv post if the m3u streams stops. USE CherryPlayer because is more m3u stable (find it in here). use C.

Download list of images
Active7 years, 11 months ago

Let's say I have a list with about 300 Url's, like:

I want to download the whole content from all Url's of the list. My solution is:


My problem is: I get almost every time the same donwloaded string from the first url. I also tried to use the DownloadStringAsync method, but I had the same result. What am I doing wrong?


3 Answers

I get almost every time the same downloaded string from the first url.

Are you saying that the value of temp in the DownloadStringKmlCompleted event handler is almost always the same, regardless of the url that you download from? That would be quite unexpected.

I would suggest that you use the OpenReadAsync overload that lets you pass a user token, and pass it the uri that you requested:

In your event handler, you can get that value from the UserState property in the event args:

You can then match up the request uri with the received data.

Jim MischelJim Mischel
110k12 gold badges142 silver badges267 bronze badges

This works fine for me. How are you populating your list of urls?

SliverNinja - MSFTSliverNinja - MSFT
25.2k9 gold badges86 silver badges143 bronze badges

A truly wild guess have a list of strings and you are using var in your foreach loop. What happens if you change it to:

Download List Of Urls

Take a look at this page


for some detail on this. It suggests var is optional in this case, but I'd be curious to try changing it and see if it makes any difference.


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