Easy To Install Hacking Distro

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Easy to use for beginners; Enterprise Level Security; Highly Stable; Speedy. 5 – Linux Mint. Starting as an Ubuntu spin-off, Linux Mint has quickly become the preferred Linux Distro for many users in the recent years.

If you are trying to find the best Linux distro to learn hacking or penetration testing, you are in the right place. There are various Linux distributions out there but choosing the one right for your needs is crucial. Choosing which one can become hard and confusing as many of them have similar features but have different ways of working. It does not matter what title you hold, you could be a security researcher working in information security.

You need a good Linux distro no matter what. This is a very powerful tool that is used by millions of servers daily. Please do make sure to secure your Linux server before reading our list of the best Linux distributions for hackers.

Let’s begin!


8 Best Linux Hacking and Penetration Testing Distros of 2019

The below list of Linux distributions is only focused on security, ethical hacking, and auditing network security. The Linux distros below come with many tools that can be used in various aspects of information security and other research tasks.

Kali Linux: Rebirth of BackTrack

This is the most popular Linux distro for ethical hacking! It is developed and maintained by the Offensive Security team. Kali Linux has the most advanced set of security and hacking tools that you will ever use. It comes with all of them preinstalled and ready to launch. It is the favorite distro for penetrating testers as it has everything they need. You don’t need to install anything extra for it to work. There may be chances where you will be just required to update the packages and tools.

It offers full disk encryption that encrypts the full drive of Kali Linux installation. It has a data destruction feature called ‘Kali LUKS nuke option’. This erases all the data on your Kali Linux box. It has a very simple to use and easy interface with all the security tools accessible from a menu. They are all organized and easy to find. You can also run a Kali Linux machine in the cloud on AWS (Amazon web services). It is also available for Android devices (NetHunter) and can also be run on a Raspberry Pi. It supports almost every device that runs on an ARM.

Some popular hacking and penetration testing tools that come with Kali Linux:

  • Aircrack-ng: Used for WiFi hacking and auditing
  • THC Hydra: Used for brute forcing authentication protocols.
  • John The Ripper: A famous cracking tool that can brute force passwords and logins. Popular among in the cyber security industry.
  • Metasploit Framework: This is an open-source framework that is used by security professionals for vulnerability assessments.
  • Netcat: Allows you to troubleshoot networks and use TCP/IP protocol for reading and writing data.
  • Nmap: This is a popular tool used for scanning networks and intercepting traffic. It is also used by network administrators to do a security audit of their network.

Read:How to Hack WiFi Password in 2018 (PMKID Tutorial Attack Method).

BlackArch: The distro for Security Researchers

This is a Linux distro built for security researching and penetration testing. BlackArch is based on Arch Linux but is security focused in every way. It comes with over thousands of ethical hacking and security auditing tools that are grouped into categories. To be exact, there are over 2000 tools.

A great bonus is that if you are using Arch Linux, you can install all the BlackArch tools on it. This distro is on every hacker’s favorite list of operating systems.

BackBox: Ubuntu Based Penetration Testing Distro

This is a Linux distribution built for security and pen-testing professionals. It is based on Ubuntu. BackBox Linux comes with its own repository of tools and software. It provides you with only stable and latest versions of network analysis and ethical hacking tools on the web. It has a minimalistic user interface. BackBox runs on the XFCE desktop environment.

There are many forums out there that you can find help on. The community is supportive and can provide answers to your questions. You can also create your own Launchpad PPA. It provides you with the fastest Linux distro ever that is very reliable and stable. You can also run BackBox on older PCs with lower specifications and resources. It is the best distro software for hacking, period.

Recommended read:Top 9 Microsoft Windows CMD Hacking Commands (2019 Edition).

Parrot Security OS: Anonymity for Hackers

This is a new player in town. Parrot Security OS developed by Frozenbox network is specially made for penetration testers and security researchers that want online anonymity and security. Parrot Security provides them with all the security they need! It comes with a fully encrypted system which also has a cloud-friendly environment.

Parrot Security OS uses the MATE desktop environment. You can find all the hacking tools you want and also has some unique tools from Frozenbox. It also contains tools for digital forensics and online privacy. It protects your data from being spied on by ISPs and other agencies. Parrot Security is also classed as a Linux distro for software developers. It comes with the top editors installed by default.

Read:How to Secure your Facebook Account from Hackers (Protect FB from being Hacked).

DEFT Linux: Digital Evidence and Forensics Toolkit

This is the best Linux Distro made for digital/computer forensics. It can run live systems and has capabilities so that it does not corrupt or tamper devices that are connected to the PC when it is booting and turning on.

DEFT comes with a Forensics system that is only available for Windows officially. It is called DART (Digital Advanced Response Toolkit). DEFT uses the LXDE desktop environment and is paired with WINE to run the Windows tools on Linux.

Pentoo Linux: Distro Software Based on Gentoo

This is a Linux Distro based on Gentoo Linux that provides you with a variety of customization capabilities. It is a penetration testing and hacking distro with LiveCD. Pentoo uses the XFCE desktop environment just like BackBox.

Pentoo Linux also has persistence support. This means that even though it is a LiveCD any changes that you might make will still be untouched if you reboot. This only applies if you are running it through a flash drive.

Samurai Web Testing Framework: Web Penetration Testing

This is one of the top live Linux environments used for pen-testing. You do not have to configure it to use, it comes pre-configured for you. You will find many open source and free hacking tools for finding vulnerabilities in websites/web apps. It is preferred a lot of by web penetration testers who are always looking for security flaws in popular websites.

It comes as a virtual machine which is supported on VMWare and VirtualBox. You will find all the tools that are used in the four-step process of web pen-testing. Some of the tools that you will get with Samurai Web Testing Framework include:

  • Ratproxy
  • Maltego
  • Fierce domain scanner
  • WebScarab
  • Burp suite

Also read:How To Protect your WiFi from Hackers (step-by-step guide).

Caine: Computer Aided Investigative Environment

This is hands down, one of the top Linux distros focused only on digital forensics and ethical hacking for security researching. Caine Linux has all the forensic tools that you will need to do a digital investigation of a crime. It is fully open source and can be customized if you are a developer. The user-friendly interface helps the investigators with their four-step process during an investigation.

It has all the tools that are required in forensics. You can also install other security tools for Linux. It also comes as a live DVD/USB and can be installed as well.

Read:How To Protect your Networks from DDoS Attacks.

More Hacking Linux Distributions

  • Network Security Toolkit: This is a bootable live CD distro that was built and developed based on Fedora. It comes with all your favorite network security tools. You will find all the tools related to network monitoring and security in this distro.
  • Fedora Security Spin: This is just Linux Fedora but on a beast mode. It comes with security auditing and testing tools pre-installed.
  • ArchStrike/ArchAssault: This is a Linux Distro for penetration testers and security professionals based on Arch Linux.
  • Bugtraq: This is the only distro that you will need which comes with all the tools for ethical hacking, security audits, forensics and lab work.

Some more Linux distribution software includes Cyborg Linux, Weakerth4n and Matriux.

Read:Wireshark Free Download – The Best Protocol Analyzer Tool.

Which Linux Distribution Do You Use For Ethical Hacking?

All the Linux Distros listed above have great hacking and security tools for your pen-testing needs. But the main question is, which one do you use? The above list should help you in choosing your best hacking and penetration testing distro. The distribution software listed above come with all varieties of tools you need to complete security audits, ethical hacking, computer forensics, and network security audits.

The distros above can be used for any purpose in the information security field, for example, hacking WiFi networks. We hope that you will find the best hacking distro for your needs and it will be from one of our choices!

Please do share any other Linux distributions that you are using or might know that will be a great fit in our top 8 list of Linux hacking and pen-testing distros of 2019.

Top 5 Linux distros of 2017

Ever since it was introduced, Linux has been gaining rapid popularity among users. Linux is used for networking, software development and web hosting. However, choosing the right distro is very important given that there are dozens of them which can fulfil your needs.

A distro, or distribution, is tech-talk for a Linux operating system (OS). Each distro is differentiated by its default interface, i.e. the way it looks, the library of apps officially supported by the specific “brand” of Linux, catalog of stock applications and even repositories. In the Linux world, there are hundreds of different flavors of distro. Examples include Debian, Ubuntu and Red Hat (among many others).

In this article, we bring to you the best 5 Linux distros that is free and readily available to install.

1. Linux Mint

Linux Mint is a community-driven Linux distribution based on Debian and Ubuntu that strives to be a modern, elegant and comfortable operating system which is both powerful and easy to use. Linux Mint takes a more standard approach to the desktop, but layers just enough eye candy and variation to make it stand out from the long-in-the-tooth desktop metaphor. Both its Cinnamon and MATE desktops are more traditional interfaces that will probably be a bit more familiar to users leaving Windows than Ubuntu would.

Linux Mint is also relentlessly dedicated on improving the desktop of today, while the Ubuntu project is working on a smartphone operating system, creating new software package formats, and entirely rewriting the Unity desktop for phone-PC convergence.

Linux Mint is install and go. It means that the pre-installed applications make Linux Mint usable instantly after the installation. The best part is the default desktop environment, Cinnamon, even though it also comes in two other flavours, XFCE and MATE. For those newer to Linux, these desktop environment change the look and layout of the basic Linux interface and its Start menu.

You can get started with Mint here.

2. elementary OS

Easy To Install Hacking Distro Minecraft

elementary OS is one of the simplest Ubuntu-based distros available, and as such is a good starting point for beginners. It is the vehicle to introduce the Pantheon desktop environment, similar to how Linux Mint introduced the Cinnamon desktop environment before Cinnamon was available in other Linux distributions.

elementary OS is quite strict about the holistic look and feel. The developers have created their own components, including the desktop environment. It provides excellent uniformity between all the stock application and an overall extremely clean design with simple animations. Additionally, they choose only those applications that fit into the design paradigm. The menu is on the top left corner where you can search all the installed applications. One can find heavy influence of Mac OS X on elementary OS.

You can get started with elementary OS here.

Easy To Install Hacking Distro Download

3. Ubuntu

Ubuntu Linux has long reigned the king of user-friendly Linux. Out of the box, it’s a challenge to find a desktop (Unity) that is more engaging and easy to use even for those unfamiliar to the platform. The desktop layout, although different, is logical and intuitive. With the addition of one of the single most powerful search tools of any desktop environment, Ubuntu Unity should be considered a crowning achievement among the Linux faithful.

Easy To Install Hacking Distro

With installing Ubuntu, you also get a wide range of software that includes LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, Transmission, and several lightweight games such as Sudoku and chess. It also installs Flash plug-in and various codecs. Also, there are loads of easy-to-understand alternative packages available right from the Ubuntu website. These include versions with the LXDE, MATE, XFCE and GNOME desktop environment skins as well as Ubuntu Studio for creative types.

You can get started with Ubuntu here.

4. CentOS

CentOS is the free version of Linux distro for beginners derived from non-free Enterprise version Red Hat Enterprise Linux [RHEL]. CentOS created in the idea to provide a free option for enterprises and other organizations seeking an operating system. This distribution is the gold standard when it comes to community-based servers. Its focus is on stability rather than constant updates, which in turn greatly reduces the risk of crashes and errors. The support of releases is massive too, spanning 10 years from initial release, so you won’t have to worry about upgrading your system so often. CentOS is equipped with a wide array of impressive security features, including an incredibly powerful firewall and the SELinux policy mechanism.

You can get started with CentOS here.

Easy Computer Hacking

5. Tails

Easy to install hacking distro for mac

Privacy has become a major issue in this age of mass surveillance and tracking by marketers (anonymous tracking for targeted content is acceptable). If you are someone who needs to keep the government and marketing agencies out of your business, you need an operating system that’s created — from the ground up — with privacy in mind.

And, nothing beats Tails for this purpose. It’s a Debian-based Linux distribution that offers privacy and anonymity by design. It’s a distro whose aim is solely to keep the identity of the user completely opaque. It routes its traffic through Tor, designed to avoid your outward-bound data from being intercepted and analysed. According to reports, Tails is so good that the NSA considers it a major threat to their hacking activities.

Easy To Install Hacking Distro 2017

You can get started with Tails here.

Easy To Install Hacking Distro Windows 7

Easy To Install Hacking Distro

Since there are number of linux distros, we might have missed some from the list! Do let us know about your favourite distro in the comments section below.

If you want x11 you choose an x11 distro. If not you choose a Wayland distro. I don´t care about x 11 distros anymore.

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