- Finding Hard Drive Serial Number
- Find Hard Drive Serial Number In Windows
- Find Hard Drive Serial Number Linux
There are 3 ways to find the serial number of your WD drive: Option 1 – If you are using Windows Use Windows Data Lifeguard Diagnostics. The software can provide the serial and model number of the WD drive in your system.
I want to get the hardwired serial number from the hard disk but NOT using WMI. I tried using WMI code, and it doesn't work on my machine for sure. So is there any alternative in .NET for finding the Serial Number of a physical hard disk?
Jey GeethanJey Geethan7 Answers
This should help get started:
Regarding your problem with WMI not returning data; Are you sure how to the right privileges to get data from WMI? You can use WMI Tools to check/fix this.
EspoEspoUse the createfile as shown below. It may require administrative permissions.Add 4 text boxes and a button in your code.
NavaneetNavaneetA perfectly working solution can be found here:
[edit]Sorry, missed that a reference to this has already been submitted.
You can use the:
Win32 API function to get this information, if you must avoid WMI. The linked page gives full the declaration signature (in both VB & C#) for the API function along with sample code.
CraigTPCraigTPYour best options is windows api,
i made a simple search and got this
General processor info and also read this post
I am using hdd firmware track in my projects. I programmed behind the mdi form to look for hdd firmware number, then its looping on all the provided numbers of hdds of companies computers and if it matches anyone amongst these provided hdds firmware numbers, then run the applicatoin and load mdi form other wise provides a message 'The application is not registed on this machine, please call Mr. Afridi to register this application on 00923339176357. My email address is munawar_s_afridi@yahoo.com. I will send complete source code of fetching how to programm professionaly hdd firmware number and how to stop others by using your app illegaly.
One lovely thing that you should specify all the company computers hdd firmware at once and let the application first pick the hdd firmware number, store it in a variable and then pick the value of this variable(a string value) and loop it one by one with each hdd number by using OR logical operator. If it finds a matching number amongst the companies hdds numbers with variable value, then app should load main form(mdi) other wise notify the user for registration.
The sample code will be provided using vb6. You can easily programm later on in vb.net just by understanding how to call unmanaged code in to a managed .net application. In this case a .dll.
Use WMI from Server Explorer in VS
- Open Server explorer
- Expand your machine
- Expand management classes
- Expand Disk Volumes
- Select the drive
- Drag it onto a form to see the generated code
- Access the VolumeSerialNumber property in code
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Yes, if it's large, heavy, and only 65 Meg in capacity, you can assume it's ancient. An RLL controller would positively indicate the drive is from antiquity. What about drives that are only 3 or 4 years old? If I know the serial number, make and model is there a public database that indicates a manufacturing date?
Update: As trite as this question might seem to some, the hard drive I was looking at that precipitated this question had no obvious manufacturing date stamped on it. I realize that most do. I think the answers given are very useful to myself and others.
6 Answers
If smartmontools is available, doing a 'smartctl --all |grep -i power_on_hours' gives you the number of operating hours for the drive.
Failing that, googling the model number of a drive would help as well. You can get the model by one of the following:
under linux and
under (Open)Solaris.
Of course you should be able to get the model number from the labels on the drive itself. ;-)
The label on most hard drives show the date of manufacture.
Here are a few examples I found on the web (one old drive, one new) showing that sometimes you have to look carefully:
October of 2002
July 6th, 2008
If you can't find the date on the drive itself try searching Google for the MODEL NUMBER of the hard drive.
If all else fails... give us more details of the drive and I'm sure someone here probably knows the answer. :-)
Good luck!
Another comment about age is how much use the drive has gotten since manufacture which can be very important too.
If the drive supports SMART disk monitoring, you can look at the number of hours in operation parameter (via Linux smartctl) which may provide a good clue at age in terms of usage.
mdpcmdpcMany have an actual date stamped on them for warranty purposes. Every major vendor that I can think of has a support page where you can type a serial number in to in order to check warranty status and many of them will show the date of manufacture there as well.
MDMarraMDMarraIntegrated circuits on the drive's board have a manufacturing date code stamped on them. A common scheme is the four-digit code where the first two digits signify the year and the next two the week within that year. Other schemes are also used. The newest date you will find on the board will be quite near the drive's actual manufacturing date.
Finding Hard Drive Serial Number
A) Date is printed on some drives as a manufacturing dateB) Google the model number and you may find a date estimate from sites still selling the drive or the drive manufacturer may have a spec sheet online with dates.
Bart SilverstrimBart SilverstrimFind Hard Drive Serial Number In Windows
protected by Sven♦Jul 28 '16 at 16:56
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