Exe Internet Explorer

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Active2 years, 2 months ago

Consequently, if you are using Windows 10 or Windows 8.1, then there’s no need to download Internet Explorer. Now to find and use Internet Explorer on Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 type and search “Internet Explorer”. You can now use Internet Explorer on Windows 10. Iexplore.exe is the installation file of Internet Explorer and does not pose a threat to your PC. Developed by Microsoft, Internet Explorer is a series of graphical web browsers that are part of the Windows lineup of operating systems. It is one of the most widely used web browsers, and was introduced with Plus! For Windows 95 that year.

On a computer running Windows 7, I deleted the shortcut to Internet Explorer.

In which directory is Internet Explorer installed?

Steven M. Vascellaro
5,41022 gold badges62 silver badges111 bronze badges
1,02812 gold badges27 silver badges42 bronze badges

4 Answers

Press the start button, and start typing 'Internet Explorer'. It should pop up at the top of the list.

From there, you can drag and drop it as a shortcut to your desktop or wherever you want to put it.

Background.exe internet explorerChris DwyerChris Dwyer
1,7353 gold badges17 silver badges26 bronze badges
Webclient.exe internet explorer

On 64-bit:

C:Program Files (x86)Internet Exploreriexplore.exe

On 32-bit:

C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe

19.4k3 gold badges39 silver badges53 bronze badges

Free Download Iexplore.exe Internet Explorer

Important: Windows 7 no longer supports the ability to modify the registry to get the special Internet Explorer icon to appear on your desktop. This change was made to ensure Internet Explorer could be removed easily for compliance reasons.

OK, let's forget about this official business for a moment :)

If you want the special Internet Explorer icon back, copy the following code into Notepad:

Save it as a REG file, i.e. IEicon.reg. Import this file into the registry and press F5 to refresh your desktop.

Voilá, there's your special Internet Explorer icon in all its beauty :)

No ugly shortcut arrow, and the usual options of the special icon (Properties will open Internet Options) ... oh, and it is perfectly safe from accidental deletion. :)

If you want to remove this icon, delete the following registry key:


Peter Mortensen
8,58316 gold badges62 silver badges85 bronze badges

Click Start > Run and type iexplore. Then open Task manager and switch to Processes tab, right click and select Properties.

3,2198 gold badges25 silver badges35 bronze badges
Explorer exe download

protected by bwDracoJul 30 '15 at 13:04

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Dllhost.exe Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer is the world's most popular Web browser. Security, ease of use, and improvements in RSS, CSS, and Ajax support are Microsoft's priorities for Internet Explorer.

The latest version of the browser includes support for:

  • Accelerators - which allow supported web applications to be invoked without explicitly navigating to them.
  • WebSlices - which allows portions of page to be subscribed to and monitored from a redesigned Favorites Bar.
  • InPrivate privacy features.
  • SmartScreen phishing filter.

Why not check out TechBeat's guide to alternative browsers if you are looking for something a little different.

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