Windows 10 Software Raid 5

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If you want to know how to set up RAID in Windows 10, this is for you. Windows 10 has made it simple to set up RAID by building on the good work of Windows 8 and Storage Spaces, a software. Now I know how you configured the RAID 5. Windows 10 has its own function to create Raid called storage spaces. You may take a further look if you have interests: Storage spaces. Besides, please try to contact the Intel side for the Raid software, check with them and see if the software would work with Windows 10 smoothly.

Active2 years, 5 months ago

I try to create a RAID5 volume with 5 disks, all 5 are exactly the same(5x Seagate thin 250GB)

Disk Management can see every disk, also I can choose every RAID except the RAID5.


Because, I love the command line, I tried to create the volume with diskpart. But at the end it give me the error:

But, why can't I create the RAID5 volume? I have a fully activated Windows 10 Enterprise version.

Koen HollanderKoen Hollander

1 Answer

The Client Editions of Windows (10) don't support RAID5:

As you see volmgrx-SupportRaid5 is set to 0 in Windows 10. You need a Server OS, here it is licensed.

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The issue that you are facing is more complex than what is typically answered in the Microsoft Answers forums. It would be more appropriate to redirect your query to the IT Professionals on TechNet Forums.You can click on the link below to post your query in TechNet forum.

Hope it helps. Please reply us if you face any issues in future. We will be glad to help you.
Many thanks for your suggestion but I get the message 'not available at this time'.

Once again , many thanks for your guidance. I did not get a full answer from Social Technet Support, but the issue is now resolved (or appears to be).

Windows 10 Software Raid 5 1

After multiple attempts to reboot into Windows 10 and subsequent RAID rebuilds, I left the PC in safe mode overnight this left the hard drive light busy yet the Intel software saying the rebuild was complete.

The next morning, I gingerly restarted the PC, and after an extended boot period and windows apparently rechecking my files, the PC showed the sign on screen.

Software Raid 1 Windows 10

Once I had Windows 10 running, I left the PC on for nearly a week. This was mainly because I was concerned I'd not get it to boot again and also waiting delivery of two 2TB drives to do a hot swap (one at a time and rebuild).

Since installing the replacement drives (despite software say there was no issue with my original drives) I have not had any further problems.

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