Free Music Theory Books

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I got the Idea for this torrent when I stumbled upon Jonathan Harnum's 'Basic Music Theory, How to Read, Write and Understand Music' while browsing my favortie newsgroup ( I swept the usenets uncriticvally for every ebook I could find relating to the subject, weeded out the dupes and fakes, and wrapped it up. I haven't read even a percentage of it yet, so don't blame me if some of it's crap. I have skimmed quite a few of them, and there are great lessons to be had even for advanced academics; read Schoenberg's Fundamentals only if you are in a daring mood. However the complete basics are covered as well: both dummies' and complete idiots' guides are included. There are some great listening excersises for both singers and guitarists and even thought I havent been labelling the books by difficulty, it sohuld be the simplest task to read them progreessively judging merely by the titles. I will however recommend Harnum's 'Basic Music Theory' as a starting point for anyone who is already aquainted with an instrument.
Some of these PDF's contain executable code (hotlinking and sound embedding). I only ever read PDFs in foxit reader's safe mode, so I cant vouch for the safety of any of it. A scan with ESET NOD32 revealed nothing though.
Also, if there happen to be a dupe in there, please don't shoot the messenger :p
Complete list of the contained books:
A.Schoenberg - Fundamentals of Musical Composition.pdf
Alan Berklin - A Practical Guide to Musical Composition.pdf
Alfred Handy Guide - Music Notation Dictionary.pdf
Alfred Handy Guide - Piano Chord Dictionary.pdf
Analysing Popular Music - Theory, Method And Practice By Phi.pdf
Basic Music Theory-How to Read, Write and Understand Written Music (Jonathan Harnum).pdf
Berklee College Of Music - Harmony 1.pdf
Berklee College Of Music - Harmony 2.pdf
Berklee College Of Music - Harmony 3.pdf
Berklee College Of Music - Harmony 4.pdf
Berklee College Of Music - Harmony Tensions.pdf
Bret Willmott - Complete Book Of Harmony Theory & Voicing.pdf
C - Guitar Music Theory - Jerry Bergonzi - Vol 1 - Melodic Structures.pdf
Dans Music Theory.pdf
Essential Music Theory for Singers.pdf
Generative Theory of Tonal Music - F. Lersahl, R. Jackendoff (MIT) WW.pdf
George Van Eps - Guitar Mechanisms.pdf
Guitar Music Theory - Ear Training Manual for Musicians.pdf
Guitarist-s Music Theory Book.pdf
James Bastien - Piano Basics Theory Primer Level.pdf
Jazz ear training.pdf
Miller Puckette - Theory and Techniques of Electronic Music.pdf
Music - Theory - Jazz Theory.pdf
Music Theory (Ebook) Complete Guitar Book.pdf
Music Theory - Basic Level.pdf
Music Theory - Blue Notes or Not (John Duarte).pdf
Music Theory - Dowland, Duarte and Chromaticism (John Duarte).pdf
Music Theory - Finishing the Blues (For Now) - John Duarte.pdf
Music Theory - John Dowlands Chromatic Harmony (John Duarte).pdf
Music Theory - Shades of Blue (John Duarte).pdf
Music Theory - Super Sight Reading Secrets.pdf
Music Theory - The Ultimate Guide To Reading Music.pdf
Music Theory Book - David Temperley - The Cognition of Basic Musical Structures.pdf
Music Theory For Dummies.pdf
Music Theory For Flamenco.pdf
Music Theory For The Rock Guitarist - Ben Bolt Mel Bay.pdf
Music Theory in Concept and Practice.chm
Music Theory Is Not Nuclear Physics.pdf
Music Theory Quick Facts Sheet.pdf
Music Theory, George Thaddeus Jones, 1974.pdf
Music Theory- University Oregon.pdf
Musical Creativity - Multidisciplinary Research in Theory and Practice.pdf
Musical Theory and Ancient Cosmology.pdf
Musicians Institute - Harmony & Theory.pdf
Oxford Dictionary Of Music.pdf
Pete Thomas - Composition, Orchestration & Arranging.pdf
Piano jazz improvisation harmony theory.pdf
Poldi Zeitling and David Goldberger - Understanding music theory.pdf
Popular Music - Vol[1]. 2 - Theory and Method.pdf
Sandy Feldstein - Practical Music Theory Complete.pdf
The Chord Scale Theory & Jazz Harmony - Nettles And Graf..pdf
The Complete Idiots Guide to Music Theory.pdf
Theodor Adorno - Music, Language, and Composition.pdf
University Musical Encyclopedia The Theory Of Music And Piano Technique (By E. Markham) (1912).pdf
**********NOT INCLUDED IN THIS TORRENT************
A slice of tasty meat for the geeks: Bernsteins 6 Harvard talks on music, semantics, phonology and much more

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Free Music Theory Books

Free Music Theory Books Pdf

Music theory Website. The best interactive music theory books and apps for iPad, iPhone and macOS. Free online music theory lessons and tutorials including music scales, modes, tonal harmony, sight-reading, ear training, piano, saxophone, guitar lessons and more. Music Theory, Composition & Performance books at E-Books Directory: files with free access on the Internet. These books are made freely available by their respective authors and publishers.

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